“If you want to know how the game was played in 2014, you will need documentation about how the game was played in 2014,” Lowood said. “Having the game available to you in 2064 so that you can play it yourself won’t tell you anything about that. It just tells you how you, 50 years later in a completely different environment, will play that game.” —Ars Technica
Googling Is for Old People. That’s a Problem for Google.
Each building in my #medievalyork simulation has four levels of detail (so that distant ob...
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI
Sesame Street had a big plot twist in November 1986
I can’t fix this broken world but I guess I did okay using #blender3d to model this wedge-...