Secrets of Dungeons and Dreamers

“For many of us, creative life goes beyond machines — creativity is built in at a very low level of our personalities, and the joy of building things from imagination, then sharing those experiences with others and watching their reactions — that’s what drives us.” Richard “Lord British” Garriott, inventor of Ultima Online, in an…

Study: Gamers Not Reculsive Nerds

College gamers are not necessarily male — or antisocial hermits. And while about one-third of those surveyed admitted playing computer games during class, the games generally don’t conflict with their studies, says the researcher who conducted the survey for the Pew Internet & American Life Project. —Study: Gamers Not Reculsive Nerds (Wired) The full report is…

E-Mail Mobs Materialize All Over

“Set to gather at 7 p.m. at Grand Central Station for what promised to be an elaborate ‘mob ballet,’ the crowd of about 250 was greeted by a ‘huge’ police presence, according to the Mob Project’s anonymous organizer known only as Bill. | Bill said the mob moved to the Grand Hyatt next door instead.…

A Chat Room Like No Other

Steven Johnson describes the emotional interface over There. The software translates common emoticons and other abbreviations (such as LOL for “laughing out loud”) into gestures and expressions. It also automatically parses a small subset of words: If you type yes, your avatar will nod its head. Most of the time users convey emotion by typing…

Zacheus Manifesto

“Television, news papers, books, magazines, and other media perform a task of educating, informing, editorializing, advertising and marketing. In each of those domains, the individual is checked, editorialized, authorized and managed to repress what is truly individual and express a view acceptable for that medium at that time. This new medium is a unique medium,…

Every Sims Picture Tells a Story

“What no one imagined — least of all The Sims’ designers — was that thousands of players would quickly bypass the album’s intended use and instead use it to create dozens of staged snapshots, crafting what can be complex, scripted, multi-episode social commentaries, graphic novels or even movies, as it were, with the Sims starring…

Hormel's pique e-rupts over Spam mail

“For years, Hormel Foods Corp. has watched as the name of its famous product has come to mean junk e-mail, a source of heartburn for computer users. | Now Hormel is asserting its trademark rights, filing complaints against Spam Arrest LLC, a Seattle technology company that provides spam-blocking software.” Jonathan Krim —Hormel’s pique e-rupts over…

Pixelvision: A Meditation

“Though it may seem like a more recent creation, the pixel first appeared in New Jersey in 1954, the same year that Elvis cut his first record and the transistor radio was invented. At Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, mathematicians and engineers created the first computer graphic–and the first instance of digital typography–on a computer…

Declaring a World War on Spam

“Lawmakers, consumer advocates and Internet industry officials gathered for the latest in a string of discussions on harmonizing international laws to cut back on spam, which now accounts for nearly half of all global e-mail. Spam has become a hot-button issue for politicians and business officials, who worry that unless it’s criminalized, spamming could become…

Bloggers Gain Libel Protection

“The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last Tuesday that Web loggers, website operators and e-mail list editors can’t be held responsible for libel for information they republish, extending crucial First Amendment protections to do-it-yourself online publishers. | Online free speech advocates praised the decision as a victory. The ruling effectively differentiates conventional news media,…

Information Foraging: Why Google Makes People Leave Your Site Faster

“The easier it is to find places with good information, the less time users will spend visiting any individual website. This is one of many conclusions that follow from analyzing how people optimize their behavior in online information systems.” Jakob Nielsen —Information Foraging: Why Google Makes People Leave Your Site Faster (Alertbox) I’m guessing Nielsen has…

Master of Design

“We?re quite good at remembering when things happen. That has meaning for us. But imagine creating an individual document around every one of those individual blog entries and just having them there on your desktop or in a folder. It would be completely meaningless to you. And that’s how we treat e-mail now. But imagine…

Yahoo blocks FTC do-not-call mail

Hurrah for the National Do Not Call Registry website. But wait… “A person who wants to be included on the list will receive an e-mail from the government, then must send back an e-mail reply as confirmation. But a problem’s arisen, as at least one major processor of e-mail — Yahoo — is blocking the…