Educators Turn to Games for Help

“Video games offer worlds for players to explore. Parents and politicians aren’t always happy with what goes on in digital realms, but now universities want to use gaming technology to build better teaching tools for schools.” — Wired’s blurb for an article by Brad King —Educators Turn to Games for Help (Wired)

Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility

“How can you boost your web site’s credibility?|We have compiled 10 guidelines for building the credibility of a web site. These guidelines are based on three years of research that included over 4,500 people.” —Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility (Web Credibility) My former student Anne Wendt, who suggested the site, did a project for me on…

The Semantic Web

“Most of the Web’s content today is designed for humans to read, not for computer programs to manipulate meaningfully. Computers can adeptly parse Web pages for layout and routine processing?here a header, there a link to another page?but in general, computers have no reliable way to process the semantics: this is the home page of…

Google and Statistical Bias

“The number one criticism of Johnson is that he’s a dipshit who can’t work Google: if only the poor fool were slick enough to type ‘apple fruit’ or ‘granny smith’ in the search bar, he wouldn’t get three pages of computer links. That may be true, but that’s the point: apple, the fruit, is conceptually…

Digging for Googleholes

“Google is beginning to have a subtle, but noticeable effect on research. More and more scholarly publications are putting up their issues in PDF format, which Google indexes as though they were traditional Web pages. But almost no one is publishing entire books online in PDF form. So, when you’re doing research online, Google is…

? [Slashdot Poll]

Slashdot Poll Yes. No. ! Worst Poll Ever. No, there’s been a worse one. No, there hasn’t. Yes, there has. No! Yes! No! —? [Slashdot Poll] (Slashdot) Nearly 70,000 people took the time to vote in this poll. This is beyond stupid — so far beyond stupid that it approaches significance. It’s impossible to deconstruct this…

DoubleClick Class Action Lawsuit

“The Complaint states that through use of such Fake User Interface (“FUI”) dialogs that gave the false appearance of being computer error messages, DoubleClick tricked millions of Internet users into interrupting the work they were performing to respond to the fraudulent error message, only to unexpectedly find both computer and computer user thus hijacked to…

The Bleat Goes On

“Lileks is widely linked to and commented upon, and his fans stretch across the vast political spectrum of the Internet’s chattering class. This is a sure sign of broad appeal because the weak are never recognized by the blogosphere and the old and the lazy are mercilessly culled from the herd. Lileks is prospering on…

France Bans 'E-Mail'!

“Goodbye ‘e-mail,’ the French government says, and hello ‘courriel’ — the term that linguistically sensitive France is now using to refer to electronic mail in official documents.” —France Bans ‘E-Mail’!  (Wired) What a difference quotation marks can make! And for those of you who are sneering at the silliness of the French, Samantha tells KairosNews…