Register to Fix Orlowski Noise Problem?

“Google is to create a search tool specifically for weblogs, most likely giving material generated by the self-publishing tools its own tab….” Andrew Orlowski trolls bloggers by taking a tidbit from a Reuters article from last Monday and gleefully spinning another anti-weblogging story. —Register to Fix Orlowski Noise Problem?  (Register) Under the subheading “Unearned Reputations,”…

Hackers and Painters

“Hackers write cool software, and then write a paper about it, and the paper becomes a proxy for the achievement represented by the software. But often this mismatch causes problems. It’s easy to drift away from building beautiful things toward building ugly things that make more suitable subjects for research papers. | Unfortunately, beautiful things…

Infogrammes Rechristens Itself Atari

“Infogrames bought the right to the Atari name when it bought toy maker Hasbro’s Hasbro Interactive division. Hasbro got it from JTS in 1998. JTS, in turn, bought Atari in 1996. Before then, Atari had many owners, including AOL Time Warner, known as Warner Communications back then. Warner bought Atari in the early 1980s, splitting…

For Kids, Media Convergence Just Seems Natural

“For more than a decade, the consumer electronics and technology industries have awaited the collision of media that would bring television, the computer, the video-game console and the stereo into one tidy convergence box.|Turns out, we’ve been looking in the wrong place. Convergence has already happened — inside the minds of kids who’ve grown up…

Lawmakers: It's Open Season on Spam

“The first federal antispam bill was introduced in 1997, and after six years of closed-door wrangling and repeated delays, Congress still has not acted. But consumer outrage and complaints from legitimate businesses have been keeping pace with the growth of bulk e-mail. Now it’s open season on spam in Washington.”Dellan McCullagh —Lawmakers: It’s Open Season…

Spam Sent by Fraud is Made a Felony

“Virginia enacted a law Tuesday imposing harsh felony penalties for sending such messages to computer users through deceptive means….Public outrage at spam is causing states and Congress to start looking at stronger measures against it. The Internet industry estimates that spam represents nearly half of all e-mail sent. And a new report by the Federal…

Hector the Hectopus

“I bet Hector would be more fun if we dipped him in gasoline. But, most toys are…….” Chad —Hector the Hectopus ( My (completely pointless and out-of-date) Rainbow Hector Weblog has been metablogged by I don’t know why, and the folks don’t seem to know either. Life goes on, and Hector keeps smiling.

The Grammar of Sound

“Say you were trying to find instances of when Bill Gates testified between May 15 and June 1. Using existing tools like full-text search engines, natural language query or speech recognition, you’d have to transcribe the audio into a text file, then index it with a lexicon of terms that included ‘Gates.’ Such an undertaking…


“For years Slashdot has had an abundance of game related content. Unfortunately, we’ve also had limited space to post those stories. We strive to cover a wide range of tech news, and this often means passing on a good game story because something else is more important. But today I get to announce the creation…